Saturday, February 6, 2010

Arrow Heads

Alfred love arrow head crackers, in fact all of us love these crackers. My sister came to visit us. We went for shopping in Tesco and found that the arrow heads were very cheap.  We bought two kilograms and my sister will teach me how to prepare the crackers.

We peeled the skin of the arrow heads but keep the shoots intact, soak the whole roots into prepared salt water for at least one hour. Remove form salted water and stand dry, if possible dry under the sun.

Heat up three quarter full of cooking oil in a wok, hold the slider on top the hot oil and slide the arrow heads into the boiling oil to fry.
Fry till light brown, scoop out and drain off the oil.  Let cool and place into air-tight containers.
Arrow crackers in containers.  Its so easy and cheap to make the crackers.