Monday, December 23, 2013

Tau yew bak (braised pork belly in soy sauce)

My daughter is back from Melbourne, Australia.  Just like most of the Malaysian who were away from home country would craze for Malaysian food once they come back for holiday or just for a short visit.  Malaysia has the name of food paradise country.  Due to our mixed cultures of Chinese, Malay and Indians and many other races, local people here served a great varieties of food from our local cooking as well as cosines from other parts of the world.  My daughter would like to go for local hawker food and some famous restaurants too.  the most important and her favourite, she requested me to cook are ( o.o bak) tau yew bak/ braised pork belly in soy sauce, sweet sour soup, spring rolls and many more. 

Why call o.o bak?  This is the nick name given by my mother when she used to cook this dish for my 3 young little children,  (she take care of them until they go to primary school).  They love this dish to go with rice with the black sauce.

The ingredients are very simple.

500 g pork belly ( cut into small pieces),
4 cups of water,
1 pulp of garlic(lightly smashed with skin intact),
4 hard boiled eggs,
4 tbs. light soy sauce( I got this special sauce for this dish from Penang),
1 tbs. rock sugar,
2 tbs. dark soy sauce, (or more),
1 stick cinnamon,
1 tbs. oil.

Heat up oil in a sauce pan, fry garlic and cinnamon stick until aromatic smell.  Add in pork belly pieces and stir fry for 1 to 2 minutes.  Add in water. 

When the water is boiled, add in boiled eggs, rock sugar, and the sauces.  Cover and turn down the heat to low and braise the pork for 30 to 40  minutes or until the pork is soft and tender.  The whole house is full of the aromatic of the cinnamon and garlic, smell so good.

OK.. o.o bak is ready!    Dinner time!   4 of us manage to finish the whole dish. Usually I will boil some noodle to mix  with the left over the next morning for my breakfast if there is any.  Add in some chili sauce, yummy yum.