Saturday, December 28, 2013

Lotus root with dried cuttle fish soup

My eldest son is back from Myanmar for a short break, Christmas holiday.  He missed lotus root with dried cuttlefish soup.  As mother, I will cook whatever he missed, children who are away from home will always missed home cooked food.

I gathered all the ingredients,

800 g lotus root(from China),
300 g of chicken or pork,(par -boiled),
100 g peanuts,
8 red dates,
3 medium dried cuttlefish,
1.5 ml water,
salt to taste.

Soak the cuttlefish and red dates. In a soup pot bring the water to boil.  Wash and use a knife to scrape off the thin layer of skin of the lotus roots.
Cut the lotus into small pieces.  Wash and clean the red dates and cuttlefish.

Put all the ingredients in to the boiling water except the salt.  Turn the fire to low and simmer for 2 hours. I like the aromatic smell of the boiling cuttlefish, smell so good.
Add salt to taste.  Serve hot with rice.  My son had 2 big bowls of the soup. He really enjoyed it.

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